abortion kills women
A graduate of UBC medical school, it was his experience at
Cook County hospital in Chicago where he witnessed the magnitude of barriers to
choice, which disproportionately affected women living in poverty.
“Cook County had about 3,000 beds, and served mainly an
indigent population. If you were really sick, or really poor, or both, Cook
County was where you went. The first month of my internship was spent on Ward
41, the septic obstetrics ward. Yes, it’s hard to believe now, but in those
days, they had one ward dedicated exclusively to septic complications of
pregnancy. About 90% of the patients were there with complications of septic
abortion. The ward had about 40 beds, in addition to extra beds which lined the
halls. Each day we admitted between 10-30 septic abortion patients. We had
about one death a month, usually from septic shock associated with hemorrhage.
I will never forget the 17-year-old girl lying on a stretcher with 6 feet of
small bowel protruding from her vagina… Today, in Canada and the US, septic
shock from illegal abortion is virtually never seen. Like smallpox, it is a
‘disappeared disease.’”
Reproductive justice
In 1969 the Canadian government liberalized the abortion
law, and Dr. Romalis began providing abortions as part of his practice as an
obstetrician and gynecologist in 1972. But the law still maintained strict
control of the procedure and denied abortion access to women. It took a mass
movement—concentrating opposition to the abortion law based on a broad
understanding of reproductive justice—to strike down the law in 1988.
As Carolyn Egan from
the Ontario Coalition for
Abortion Clinics wrote, “OCAC tried to ensure that the demand for abortion access
was never seen in isolation, but as one of a number of interdependent
struggles. We tried to make this concrete by challenging the coerced
sterilization that Aboriginal women, women with disabilities and Black women
were facing. We held joint forums on the issues with women speaking about the
injustices that they were experiencing. Healthcare workers told us that
therapeutic abortion committees sometimes refused abortions unless a woman
agreed to be sterilized. We fought for childcare as a woman’s right and
campaigned against extra billing by doctors. OCAC worked with Dr. Henry
Morgentaler and in 1983 he opened a clinic challenging the federal criminal
code. The clinic became a symbol of women’s resistance to an unjust law. A
long campaign against two levels of government and an organized anti-choice
movement began.”
Anti-choice backlash
This campaign continued to challenge the anti-choice
backlash after the 1988 Supreme Court decision—from the Tories trying to
re-criminalize abortion through Parliament, to “Operation rescue” swarming the
Morgentaler clinic in Toronto, and anti-choice violence against abortion
Dr. Romalis was shot in 1994 and stabbed in 2000: “I had
been a medical doctor for 32 years when I was shot at 7:10am, Nov 8, 1994. For
over half my life, I had been providing obstetrical and gynecological care,
including abortions. It is still hard for me to understand how someone could
think I should be killed for helping women get safe abortions. I had a very
severe gun shot wound to my left thigh. My thigh bone was fractured, large
blood vessels severed, and a large amount of my thigh muscles destroyed. I
almost died several times from blood loss and multiple other
complications…These acts of terrorist violence have affected virtually every
aspect of me and of my family’s life. Our lives have changed forever. I must
live with security measures that I never dreamed about when I was learning how
to deliver babies.”
The movement
But the anti-choice failed to stop Dr. Romalis and the
movement. He continued to provide abortions and to inspire future generations
of providers, like Medical Students for Choice: “My life had
changed, but my views on choice remained unchanged, and I was continuing to
enjoy practicing medicine…I love my work. I get enormous personal and
professional satisfaction out of helping people, and that includes providing
safe, comfortable, abortions. The people that I work with are extraordinary,
and we all feel that we are doing important work, making a real difference in
peoples’ lives. I can take an anxious woman, who is in the biggest trouble she
has ever experienced in her life, and by performing a five-minute operation, in
comfort and dignity, I can give her back her life.”
Dr. Romalis was very courageous and risked his life to
provide the life-saving procedure of abortion. Through the process he inspired a
new generation of reproductive freedom fighters—who continue to challenge the Tory attacks on choice,
and to connect access to abortion with the broader struggle for reproductive
On February 11, join a
screening of Young Lakota, about
indigenous youth fighting for reproductive justice. 7pm at Innis Town Hall, 2
Sussex ave, Toronto. Screening followed by a speaker from the Native Youth
Sexual Health Network
(NYSHN). Presented by Medical Students for Choice, the Ontario Coalition for
Abortion Clinics, and NYSHN. Facebook event here.